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Antriebs- und Steuerungstechnik
Hansastrasse 52
59557 Lippstadt
Antriebs- und Steuerungstechnik
Rigaer Strasse 52
59557 Lippstadt
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Phone +49 (0) 2941 9793 255
Boardb@asosafety.comPhone + 49 (0) 2941 9793 230
Mobile +49 (0) 170 / 91 64 836
Sales-EUb@asosafety.comPhone + 49 (0) 2941 9793 143
Sales-EUb@asosafety.comPhone + 49 (0) 2941 9793 236
Mobile + 49 (0) 160 25 09 595
Sales-EUb@asosafety.comPhone + 49 (0) 2941 9793 175
Products-EUb@asosafety.comPhone + 49 (0) 2941 9793 202
Products-EUb@asosafety.comPhone + 49 (0) 2941 9793 206
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Purchase-EUb@asosafety.comPhone + 49 (0) 2941 9793 141
Logistics-eub@asosafety.comPhone +49 (0) 2941 9793 222
Accounting-EUb@asosafety.comPhone +49 (0) 2941 9793 223
Accounting-EUb@asosafety.comASO Safety Solutions Nanjing Co., Ltd.
Mr. Frank Lichtenfeld
Jinma Lu 3 Maqun Scientific Park
Qixia District
210049 Nanjing
Phone +86 25 856 73990
aso-cnb@asosafety.com www.asosafety.cnDoor & Gate Sector
Portcullis Australia PTY Ltd.
Mr. Steve Horsman
PO Box 3166
Grose Vale
NSW 2753
Phone +61 (0) 2 45 72 29 00
Fax +61 (0) 2 45 72 21 00
steveb@portcullis.com.au www.portcullis.com.auIndustrial Applications Sector
Venus Automation PTY Ltd.
Mr. Raju Kotecha
15/79-85 Mars Road
Lane Cove West 2066
Phone +61 (0) 2 8459 7766
infob@venusautomation.com.au www.venusautomation.com.auContra Elektronische Bauelemente Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH
Mr. Petsch / Mr. Eckert
Autokaderstraße 104
1210 Wien
Phone +43 (0) 1 27 82 55 50
Fax +43 (0) 1 2 78 25 58
officeb@contra.at www.contra.atAB Matic NV
Ms. Julie Geurs
Duifhuisstraat 37
3800 Sint-Truiden
Phone +32 11 59 33 50
Fax +32 11 59 60 13
infob@ab-matic.be www.ab-matic.beCONTRA, spol. s r.o.
Mr. Pavel Klich
V Pískách 395/16a
Brno, 620 00
Phone +420 543 210 046
Fax +420 543 242 712
contra-brnob@contra-brno.cz www.contra-brno.czOEM Automatic KLITSO
Mr. Mikkel Holst
Engholm Parkvej 4
3450 Allerød
Phone +45 48 10 64 17
mikkel.holstb@oemklitso.dk www.oemklitso.dkASO GmbH
Antriebs- und Steuerungstechnik
Hansastraße 52
59557 Lippstadt
Phone +49 (0) 2941 9793 0
Fax +49 (0) 2941 9793 299
aso-eub@asosafety.com www.asosafety.deSähkölehto Oy
Mr. Juuso Lehto
Holkkitie 14
00880 Helsinki
Phone +358 9 774 6420
Mobile +358 400 131 348
officeb@sahkolehto.fi www.sahkolehto.fiVRD / ASO
Mr. Pascal Stoop
67 Avenue de Verdun Lot 37 bis
77470 Trilport
Phone +33 (0) 1 60 22 72 44
Fax +33 (0) 1 60 42 23 50
franceb@asosafety.com www.asosafety.frSafepart
Mr. Wolfgang Oehlert
Auf dem Rübencampe 5
31789 Hameln
Phone +49 (0) 5151 82 22 31
Fax +49 (0) 5151 82 22 32
infob@safepart.de www.safepart.deServi Tech Ltd.
Mr. Max Serenkov
Harushet 48 D, Building 34/10
20651 Karmi'el
Phone +972 (0) 4 9 58 95 50
Fax +972 (0) 4 9 58 95 51
salesb@servi-tech.co.il www.servi-tech.co.ilTritecnica s. r. l.
Mr. Sergio Bacco
Viale Lazio 26
20135 Milano
Phone +39 (0) 02 54 19 41
Fax +39 (0) 02 55 18 12 97
infob@tritecnica.it www.tritecnica.itMAHANI Electric Co., Ltd.
Mr. Man-hee Park
7, Dwitgol 1-ro, Gwacheon-si,
Gyeonggi-do, 13814
Phone +82 (0)2 2194 3302
Fax +82 (0)2 2194 3398
mhparkb@mec.co.kr www.mec.co.krKNAP Automation
Mr. Peter Matze
Buitendijks 11
3356 LX Papendrecht
Phone +31 (0) 184 833 003
peterb@knap.tech www.knap.techBibus Menos Sp. z. o. o.
Mr. Marek Paliński
ul. Spadochroniarzy 18
80-298 Gdansk
Phone +48 (0) 660 95 70
Fax +48 (0) 661 71 32
infob@bibusmenos.pl www.bibusmenos.pl mechatronika.techSoltekin S. L.
Mr. Manuel González
Apdo. Correos No. 62
Phone +34 (0) 93 8 71 19 45
Fax +34 (0) 93 8 46 23 32
centralb@soltekin.com www.soltekin.comASO GmbH
Hansastraße 52
59557 Lippstadt
Phone +49 (0)2941 9793 0
Fax +49 (0) 2941 9793 299
aso-eub@asosafety.com www.asosafety.deOEM Automatic
Mr. Stefan Thörn
57392 Tranås
Phone +46 76 527 85 36
stefan.thornb@oemautomatic.se www.oemautomatic.seMATTLE Industrie-Produkte AG
Mr. Markus Schönbächler
Allmendstrasse 8
8320 Fehraltorf/ZH
Phone +41 44 938 13 33
Fax +41 44 938 13 34
infob@mattle-ag.ch www.mattle-ag.chDaybreak International Corporation
Mr. Richard Leong
124 Chung-Cheng-Road
Shilin, Taipeh
Phone +886 (0) 2 88 66 12 31
Fax +886 (0) 2 88 66 12 39
day111b@ms23.hinet.net www.daybreak.com.twDÖNÜŞÜM
Ms. Beste Conkir
Atakoy 11. Kisim
2. Etap Konutlari Zambak Apt. C
Blok No. 22
34156 Bakırkoy/Istanbul
Phone +90 (0) 21 26 61 87 42
Fax +90 (0) 21 26 61 87 26
infob@donusumtr.com www.donusumtr.comEasy Gates Ltd.
Mr. Stuart Roddy
Unit 16, James Scott Road
B63 2QT Halesowen, West Midlands
Phone +44 1384 569 942
Fax +44 845 6 43 68 14
infob@easygates.co.uk www.easygates.co.ukASO UK
Phone +44 1384 413 366
Fax +49 (0) 2941 9793 299
englandb@asosafety.com www.asosafety.co.ukASO Safety Solutions Inc.
350 N Frontage Road
Landing, NJ 07850
Phone +1 (0) 973 5 86 96 00
sales-usb@asosafety.com www.asosafety.comASO Safety Solutions
Hansastr. 52
DE 59557 Lippstadt
Phone +49 2941 97930
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