10.000 m²

Operating Area

10.000 m²

Mat Tests Per Day

100 Percent

Sustainability Thanks to Efficient Recycling Processes

100 Percent
1.000.000 m

of Extrusion Products Per Year

1.000.000 m

A world, in which automation helps people …

… and keeps them safe at the same time: This is our wish. This is what we work on. Every day.

It is one thing to demand the most perfect safety measures and another to actively work towards making our world a little safer every day. This is what is expected from us; nothing less will do. We face this challenge. Beginning with competent advice and ending with customized solutions. For this we demonstrate our strength: conviction and passion. Professionalism and superior technology. Highly motivated employees in R&D and at the workbench. Everyone knows and supports our common goal: safety technology, that is progessive in the best sense of the word, because its purpose first and foremost is to protect people.

Our claim

To be more than a mere supplier

Our customers expect and get premium quality products. That is a given and therefore we do not stop here. Because ASO delivers far more than mere products; ASO creates added value. We do this as a dialog partner whose consultation expertise is in demand even during the development stage of end products. Often, these are interdisciplinary insights that are way ahead of the general standard and enable us to find the right responses to new challenges. 

At the cutting edge. Our history.

Since the company was established about 35 years ago, protection and safety have been the most important aspects governing daily operations at ASO. From the very start, communication with customers about their experiences on a regular basis has been important in order to align production and distribution with real demand. The company has also invested in research and development so that it is prepared for the future demands of ever increasing safety requirements in industry and society. And it has been precisely this innovative approach which has given the company with its traditional craftsmen skills the technological advantage. This gives us the opportunity to play an important part in forming dynamic developments in this industry.

1984 1991 1998 2004 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2019 2021

Global Presence

ASO meets the great challenges of globalisation by focussing on core competences, carefully adapting operational structures and systematically expanding an international presence.

At present, more than 200 employees worldwide produce safety contact elements, controls and customer-specific sensor solutions, and many other products. In addition to head offices in Germany, the US and China, global distribution is in the hands of distribution centers all over Europe and a global dealer network.

Benefit from our experience and contact us.

Service & Support


ASO Safety Solutions
Hansastr. 52
DE 59557 Lippstadt

Phone +49 2941 97930


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